Hear ye…hear ye…it is Montana and Dakota’s 4th Birthday today! They were so excited to travel from Hartville, Ohio to their new home near Cleveland. Upon arrival their excitement quickly turned into mischief! Montana and Dakota love being sisters and display their love through PLAY…PLAY…PLAY indoors and outdoors of course! Most puppies on the average sleep 18-20 hours a day but not Montana and Dakota, at the most maybe 7 hours! Needless to say, they had an abundance of energy and only stop to play for short periods of time! It is hard to believe they are now 4 years old! Watching them grow we realized that Montana was fearless and Dakota was afraid of just about everything, even her own shadow! Each dog has their own sweetness but lack the discipline even after four different trainers! The only thing to do is be consistent with discipline and give them an abundance of love! It worked, after 4 long years, Montana and Dakota are wonderful dogs with delightful personalities to match! Happy Birthday, Girls!