We decided to try a show in Las Vegas to discover what the West had to offer to further promote our brand. We were excited about going to this show because we had the opportunity to have our own runway show to introduce our new collection at the Las Vegas Fashion Week! We loved the idea! The show was extremely slow, so we were looking forward to our fashion show. The day finally arrived, and we were backstage, all models were dressed in black per our request so our bags would really shine on the runway. The excitement filled the air as we waited for our turn to enter the spotlight. LIGHTS…CAMERAS…ACTION! W. H. Petronela you are up! As our logo flashed before us on the huge screen, we thought about our mothers and our eyes began to well up with tears of pride! Afterall as we wrote in an earlier blog our name came from our mothers’ the W. H. represents Judy’s Mom, Wilma Henrietta and Petronela was Peggy’s Mom’s first name. The music began…the Zulu chant from The Lion King theme and the song “Circle of Life.” which caught the audience’s attention immediately! The models did a fabulous job as they sauntered to the music with handbags in hand and draped over their shoulders. From the cheers and applause, we knew our collection was a success as we walked down the runway behind our models, another prideful memory!